I haven't graduated university. Maybe I could've been out of there by now had I been a better student, but there's no point in regretting the past, is there? Truth be told, I've hated the educational process since high school, and when I do graduate, I'm not sure going straight for the masters' degree is what I want to do. And it's not like graduating quickly is a sure-fire guarantee of unemployment, as several of my friends will attest to. I'm fine as I am. Sure, I wish I were out of here right now, but the reality is that day won't be until several months from now. There's no point in worrying about it, so it's better to just shut up and do what needs to be done to get there.
Now, what bugs the shit out of me regarding this situation is, well, being bugged about not having graduated. Especially by my dad. I bloody hate it when he (and others) look around at other people my age who have finished school and are currently living the corporate drone life they've always dreamed of. (Not that there's anything wrong with being a corporate drone.) The reasons for my delay are multiple; some are entirely my fault, some were caused by circumstances beyond my control,
all of them are not worth dwelling upon. My dad says he feels "mental pressure" whenever people ask him why I'm still in school. How does he think I feel whenever people ask me the same question directly? It's no barrel of laughs, but once again, it's no use if I let it get to me. If I'm not that agitated about, why should he be? (Yes, he pays the fees, but he's said that that's not the problem. My tuition has been relatively on the cheap side.)
What also bugs me is that he keeps saying I should quit my work, because there's no way to get my final assignment done with all those other distractions. First, he's retired and I need money to buy stuff that'll keep me from trying to off myself from sheer boredom. Second, he keeps underlining that he says what he says based on
his experience. Well, his experience isn't necessarily my experience. He might think it's impossible, but I don't think so. He keeps mentioning how sweet it'll be when I graduate because I poured all my time and energy into it. Well, I keep thinking of how sweet it'll be when I graduate in spite of holding on to my jobs. I'll show him. I'll show everyone.