Got an e-card from Dad. Looks like I got through. And as a bonus, Hanief sent an e-mail along the same lines. Heading in the right direction...
Happy Ramadan.
It started when Hanief phoned, asking about my job search progress. I was sick of lying and making things up, so I just told him that I hadn't done anything significant. He asked why, I said I just hadn't found anything interesting. He started going into a lecture, I said that whatever my problems were, the lectures weren't going to help. Then he hung up. A while later, he sent an e-mail regarding the matter, which was CC'ed to Dad. Cue Dad's turn at bat. And then I lost it, brought up the whole lack of encouragement thing, how it's impossible to have a civil argument with him, and how I have low self-esteem. This got him royally pissed, and a shouting match ensued. My last words were "I am such a disappointment", and I still haven't spoken to him since 4:30 this afternoon. Well at least I got it off my chest; whether or not it'll make him think is another matter. But my guess is he'll continue to dismiss it as just another round of my defensive rantings. Maybe I'll drag Hanief into this; after all, if he hadn't CC'ed that e-mail, we probably wouldn't have had that conversation. My guess is Dad'll tell about it anyway, so I think I'll wait for Hanief to bring it up. This week just gets worse by the minute...
This morning was a pre-Ramadan gathering of the Maryadie clan (or whatever Dad's extended family is called). Cue mingling with family members, be they familiar, those whose names I had forgotten, or those whom I had never met before.
Then at 10:30, I got a call from Rany, my high school deskmate who was taking her Masters' degree in Melbourne, but just happened to be in Jakarta for a few days. I went over to her place at that late hour, because given my past experience with her when it comes to trying to meet up, it was probably not a good idea to wait until the next day because the likelihood would be that it wouldn't happen. So I decided to go while she was pinned down, so to speak. I got there at 11:30, and we just hung around and talked. She gave me some love advice - funny, considering I was the one giving her relationship advice the last time we communicated with any frequency. I still am, to be honest, but that's another story. Anyway, she gave me some valuable insight as to how the female mind works when it comes to dealing with the opposite sex (in a nutshell: it's all about the game, baby).
I finally left at 2:30 when we were too sleepy to talk, but before I left she asked if I could accompany her to go shopping. I was apprehensive at first, 'cos I hate having my schedule screwed up due to the tardiness of others, moreso if they cancel at the last minute - and even moreso if my knowledge of the cancellation comes after I call them instead of vice versa. And based on past experience, Rany was the queen of this. But I said yes. Guess I was just on a roll after tonight's meeting. We'll see what the morning brings.